The Draught of Fish (Luke 5:1-11)
Peter was a fishermen. He had been fishing since he was a boy. He was really good at fishing. One night, even though he had fished all night long, he didn't catch ANY fish! He brought his boat in to shore and was washing out his nets. Jesus got into Peter's boat, and told him to row out to the deep water. Then He told Peter to let down his nets. Peter told Jesus, "We have just spent the whole night fishing, and we didn't catch anything! But if You want me to let down the nets, then I will." Peter did, and suddenly they were FILLED with fish! There were so many fish that when Peter started to pull the nets into the boat, the nets started to break! Only God could have done a miracle like this! Peter knelt down before Jesus right there in his boat! Jesus told Peter to follow Him; He would teach Peter many things, and then Peter would tell people about Jesus. And Peter did.
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